All C# extension methods for type object
Dumps the object as a json string. Can be used for logging object contents.
ToJson() and FromJson<T>()
Convert an object to JSON an back
check value is null
Makes a copy from the object.
IfNotNull<T, TResult>
if the object this method is called on is not null, runs the given function and returns the value. if the object is null, returns default(TResult).
Simplify usage of XmlSerializer
Extension for simplify usage of XmlSerializer class. Add extension to any object serialize it to xml. Add extension to string and stream to deserialize objects. All extensions with first check about default constructor
Serializes an object to XML
Equals method that lets you specify on what property or field value you want to compare an object on. Also compares the object types. Useful to use in an overridden Equals method of an object.
Returns a selected value when the source is not null; null otherwise.
Serializes objects to an xml string. (Does not provide error handling if the object is not serializable.)
Converts any type to another.
Unified advanced generic check for: DbNull.Value, INullable.IsNull, !Nullable<>.HasValue, null reference. Omits boxing for value types.
Dispose an object if it implement IDisposable. Especially useful when working with interfaces and object factories, and IDisposable may or may not found on concrete class.
Return<TIn, TOut>
A 'fluent' logic extension method that takes a value (can be anything) and a function that returns another value (can be anything) based on its logic. This is useful for both evaluating and optionally returning a value without declaring a temporary variable for the value.
Returns true if the object it is called upon is the default of its type. This will be null for referece types, zero for integer types, and a default-initialized struct for structs.
Turns any object to null
Determines if the object is null or empty. string is evaluated with empty. Collections, Arrays and Dictionaries are evaluated for 0 items (items themselves may be null) All other objects are evaluated as null or not null.
An extenssion function to work like the extend method of javascript. It takes the object and merge with oder, but only if the property of the other object has value.
Gets the value of a databinded property-path from an object. The property can have the form "Product.Type.Group".
We all know that objects can be null, but when dealing with databases, a new null type shows up, the DBNull. This extention method detects it along with the null.
ToDelimitedString<T>(char delimiter, Func<T, PropertyInfo, string> func)
Map any object T to a delimited string and control how that string is formatted.
It is like pipe operator in F# and is useful for chaining function calls especially in expressions. (More in
Executes a function if a given predicate is true
Like SQL on C#
An C# extension method based on "LIKE" operator of T-SQL.
Throw's a given exception is a given predicate is True
Turns any object to null
Object properties to dictionary converter
Takes all public properties of any object and inserts then into a dictionary
Returns the identity of a value
Spins up and executes the action within a thread. Basically fire and forget. Real big question here. Does anybody see any issues with thread management? I would like to update this with any code necessary to manage thread cleanup if necessary. I realize that this has the ability to create unsafe thread referencing if not written such that the contents of the action are exclusive to the scope of the action, but that is outside the purview of this extension
Allows you to compare a value to a list of values analogous to the 'In' statement in sql. This makes for a very friendly syntax that is (IMHO) superior to a list of 'or' clauses. Instead of : if (s=="John" || s=="Peter" or s=="Paul") one can write if (s.In("John","Paul","Peter"))
Execute code only on certain types
simple fluent assert for MSTest
This ToString() version is null aware. That means it has different behaviors if the object's value is null or DBNull according to the NullOptions enum.
Provides a generic visitor Method Extension for more information, please have a look at my blog post :
A better IsNull() implementation. Returns true if object value is null or DBNull
optionally executes an Action if the object is of the given type.
Throws a given Exception if the given object is equal to the default value for the type
Returns true or false depending on if the given object is equal to the default(T) value of the type.
Returns an alphabetically sorted list for all public and instance properties, along with its associated values.
Determines whether a IEnumerable<T> contains a specific value
ImplementsInterfaces(List<Type> types)
Determines if a class object implements an interface type and returns a list of types it actually implements. If no matching type is found an empty list will be returned.
Checks if object is any of provided values separated by comma
Quick writeline
Write a variable to System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine() (Or other output method)
Matches yourFace to myButt
Serializes objects into and from XML documents
Convert a Rectangular to a Jagged Array
Converts a T[,] (rectangular array) to a T[][] (jagged array).
Shorthand ReferenceEquals
This extension method represents shorthand version of ReferenceEquals method.