Extension Methods from Earljon Hidalgo
Truncate the specified string based on the given length. Replaces the truncated data to "..."
HttpUtility Helpers
Make easily accessible some functions available in HttpUtility into an Extension.
Converts string to a title case.
Recursively create directory based on the given path. If the given path doesn't exist, it will create until all the folders in the path are satisfied.
FirstDayOfMonth / LastDayOfMonth
Simple way to Get the first and last day of the specified date.
Gets the MD5 value of a given file.
Count all words in a given string. Excludes whitespaces, tabs and line breaks.
Nicely formatted file size. This method will return file size with bytes, KB, MB and GB in it. You can use this alongside the Extension method named FileSize.
Strips unwanted characters on the specified string.
Checks to see if the given text is a valid palindrome or not.
Get the file size of a given filename.
Trims or removes duplicate delimited characters and leave only one instance of that character. If you like to have a comma delimited value and you like to remove excess commas, this extension method is for you. Other characters are supported too, this includes pipe and colon.
List/Get all files in a specified folder using LINQ. Doesn't include sub-directory files.
Delete all files found on the specified folder with a given file extension.
For Philippine mobile code but can also be adjusted based on your mobile network code. Check if the given number is a valid formatted international number.
Using LINQ, gets the total size of a specified folder. It can also check sizes of subdirectory under it as a parameter.