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Modify Querystring

Modify the querystring of the current URL (or a passed in URL) to either add, update or remove parameters.


public static class UrlHelperExtensions
	public static string ModifyQueryString(this UrlHelper helper, NameValueCollection updates, IEnumerable<string> removes)
		return ModifyQueryString(helper, null, updates, removes);

	public static string ModifyQueryString(this UrlHelper helper, string url, NameValueCollection updates, IEnumerable<string> removes)
		NameValueCollection query;
		var request = helper.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request;

		if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
			url = request.Url.AbsolutePath;
			query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.QueryString.ToString());
			var urlParts = url.Split('?');
			url = urlParts[0];
			if (urlParts.Length > 1)
				query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(urlParts[1]);
				query = new NameValueCollection();

		updates = updates ?? new NameValueCollection();
		foreach (string key in updates.Keys)
			query.Set(key, updates[key]);

		removes = removes ?? new List<string>();
		foreach (string param in removes)

		if (query.HasKeys())
			return string.Format("{0}?{1}", url, query.ToString());
			return url;

	public static string UpdateQueryParam(this UrlHelper helper, string param, object value)
		return ModifyQueryString(helper, new NameValueCollection { { param, value.ToString() } }, null);

	public static string UpdateQueryParam(this UrlHelper helper, string url, string param, object value)
		return ModifyQueryString(helper, url, new NameValueCollection { { param, value.ToString() } }, null);

	public static string RemoveQueryParam(this UrlHelper helper, string param)
		return ModifyQueryString(helper, null, new List<string> { param });

	public static string UpdateQueryParams(this UrlHelper helper, NameValueCollection updates)
		return ModifyQueryString(helper, updates, null);

	public static string RemoveQueryParams(this UrlHelper helper, List<string> removes)
		return ModifyQueryString(helper, null, removes);


Url.UpdateQueryParam("page", 4)


Author: Chris Pratt

Submitted on: 7 jul. 2014

Language: C#

Type: UrlHelper

Views: 6343