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Or (with explicit reference for strings)

Returns the object if it's not null or the first object which is not null, With explicit reference for strings


/// <summary>
		///Returns the object if it's not null or the first object which is not null.
		/// Original Idea: Weidling C
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="T">Type of origination</typeparam>
		/// <param name="this">current object to be OR'ed</param>
		/// <param name="oValues">Array of type <c>T</c> for the rest of the list</param>
		/// <returns><see cref=""/> Item - or if null/empty move to next item chech and return &lt;-- Looping trought all items in oValues if all are empty, returnds default <see cref="T"/>value</returns>
		public static T Or<T>(this T @this, params T[] oValues)
			foreach (var item in oValues)
				if (@this is string)
					if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(@this.ToString()) == false)
						return (@this);
					// ReSharper disable once CompareNonConstrainedGenericWithNull
					if (item != null)
						return (item);

			return default(T);


string s = GetValue(); // s == null
Console.WriteLine(s.Or("value not found")):

Author: D.Magician

Submitted on: 10 dec. 2014

Language: C#

Type: System.Object<T>

Views: 3429